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전체 글105

2024.10.23.[Black and White] -It absolves me from all blame. -He won’t pay attention to her. I didn’t pay attention to what she was saying. -You’re the last person in the world who should be writing a book about A. the last person I wanted to see You’re the last person I wanted to see today. -Are you accusing us of not concentrating? -What’s it for? -Don’t be so wishy-washy. Wanting to know what you’re signing is not being .. 2024. 10. 23.
2024.10.22.[A Friend Indeedp -I don’t understand why you want to read the same book every night. -fix I’ll fix the lunch. I’ll fix something to eat. Fix a drink. Fix me a drink. -I have to write a book report, and it’s due next week, and I just know I’ll get a failing grade. This bill is due next month. -They way too long! You’re too nice. You’re way too nice. -That’s good, because your beach ball just won its freedom. You .. 2024. 10. 22.
2024.10.22. 화요일 점심시간 회사 근처에 맛있는 베이글 집이 생겼다. 야외 테이블도 있고-오늘은 비가 와서 야외에 앉지 못했지만- 실내도 넓어서 맘껏 떠들어도 암씨랑토 않은 ㅋ (요즘 정년이가 꿀잼이라 되지도 않는 사투리 사용하는 미숙한 나) 천장이 엄청 높고 테이블간의 간격도 넓고 베이글도 너무 맛있었다. 집에 있으며 이런 음식 생각도 못할 텐데 -요즘 물가 너무 비싸서 식재료만 사도 ㅎㄷㄷ이라 우리집은 외식이 엄청 줄었다- 회사 나오니 요런 것도 맛보고~ 맘 맞는 사람들이랑 수다도 떨고~ 퇴근 전 유일한 힐링타임 "점심시간" 2024. 10. 22.